Why do I need Institutional Onboarding?

Beyond avoiding risks.

Employing a solid Know Your Business (KYB) solution may bring about a myriad of benefits. These can be ensuring compliance with domestic and international AML regulations, avoiding the risk of incurring hefty regulatory fines or even criminal liability, the hard-to-repair reputational damage of doing business with entities either involved in criminal activities or subject to international sanctions and the financial losses that can often follow engagement with fraudulent economic actors.

But beyond avoiding legal and financial risks, having KYB processes in place can help foster more transparent business-to-business (B2B) relationships, as the trust and mutual understanding in assuring that businesses are not engaged in illegal activities may contribute to building straightforward and long-lasting partnerships between entities.

Moreover, the implementation of procedures such as KYC and KYB may be seen as indicators of a company's trustworthiness.

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