Data Access & Integration Options

Once onboarded, clients shall be able to choose how to integrate with Fractal ID according to their own operational, technical, and data protection needs:

Client Dashboard

Fractal ID grants an access license to the client to the developer dashboard, which allows for a comprehensive overview of the underlying information provided by individuals and entities during their onboarding, in accordance with the level chosen. The dashboard will list all integrations owned by a client, as well as provide them with a way to create new integrations.

Under strict observance of the GDPR’s data protection standards, the client shall access the underlying KYC data and the ability to download it in order to serve its own record-keeping obligations. Furthermore, such access is completely optional to the client should it be preferable on their end to not access user data. For this end, Fractal ID also provides other privacy-preserving alternatives, the DID Registry and Credentials API. DID Credentials

Within the DID Credentials integration option, upon being approved for a certain ID Level, onboarding users are automatically issued a credential carrying Fractal’s attestation that they are approved for such ID Level. By installing Fractal Wallet, onboarding users will have instant access to the Credentials that are eventually issued to them and be able to interact with third parties (e.g. Clients), deciding whether or not to share their Credentials. When clients wish to access a Credential, Fractal Wallet will be prompted to ask the user to authorize or decline to share it, and this authorization can also be granted via an authorization link (e.g. via OAuth solution) as an alternative method if access to Credentials is not requested within Fractal Wallet, which is provided to facilitate users interaction with third-parties.

Fractal ID clients can verify these Credentials either off-chain, via Fractal’s Software Development Kit, or on-chain. If the client prefers to verify the Credential on-chain, that implies its issuance on-chain, which corresponds to creating a unique cryptographic hash of the ID Level taking into account all the ID Level fields and values (e.g., email address, name, passport number), and storing it on-chain, specifically in a smart contract deployed by Fractal or the client, while no original data is determinable from the hashes, and ID Level fields and values are stored off-chain, on Fractal Wallet. By authorizing the verification of a Credential by a client, the onboarding user will be enabling such clients to verify that they are the owners of a certain Credential existent in the smart contract, and users transmit the ID Level fields and values stored in their Fractal Wallet. This allows users to have complete control of their data, including support for selective disclosure.

Last updated